About Alina

Photo of Alina

Alina draws from various approaches such as psychotherapy, bodywork, sex therapy, shamanism, mindfulness, yoga, poetry and art, to infuse her work with creative, action-oriented methods. She holds a masters in social work and a science degree in nursing. Her training includes group psychotherapy, Psychodramatic Bodywork®, Kaiut Yoga, and Levels 1 and 2 of the International School of Temple Arts.

Alina uses her extensive experience to help people enhance their soul connection to themselves and to the natural world. Through the co-creation of a safe container, her approach invites embodied presence, personal awareness, emotional integration, relational attunement and erotic vitality.

Alina volunteered for many years for the Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association as treasurer and conference-planning co-chair. She has worked with women recovering from trauma in a day treatment setting; as an addictions nurse in an abstinence-based program; and spent two months in the Arctic in a nursing internship.

Master of Social Work -  Sir Wilfried Laurier University.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing - McGill University.
Certification Group Psychotherapy - CGPA Toronto.
Intensive Sex Therapy Training Program - U of Guelph.
Psychodramatic Bodywork® - Susan Aaron, Toronto.
Kaiut Yoga Teacher Training - 2017 -2018, Toronto.